
GSSA Executive Board


Shreya Bavishi

Department: Cellular and Molecular Biology


Email: sbavishi@tulane.edu


Duties: The President shall preside over all meetings of the Assembly and shall appoint all committees and committee chairpersons, with the approval of the Assembly. The President shall represent the Association at ceremonial functions. The President shall act as liaison to the University Administration, the Graduate School, GAPSA and to the Division of Student Affairs. The President shall chair the Awards, Legislative, and Executive committees.

Vice President

Chassidy Simmons 

Department: Center for Latin American Studies


Email: csimmons3@tulane.edu


Duties: The Vice-President shall act as parliamentarian at the Assembly meetings. The Vice-President shall preside over Assembly meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall chair the Social committee, and organize GSSA Events.


Chase Richard

Department: Neuroscience 


Email: crichard2@tulane.edu


Duties: The Treasurer shall administer and keep records of the financial activities of the Assembly. The Treasurer shall be responsible for formulating a budget to be submitted to the GAPSA Finance Board with the approval of the Assembly as part of the annual budget process. The Treasurer shall present and discuss the budget at the introductory meeting of the Assembly. The Treasurer shall chair the Budget committee.


Kierstin Cousin

Department: Neuroscience 


Email: kcousin1@tulane.edu


Duties: The Secretary shall make public and keep a permanent record of the proceedings of the Assembly meetings, distributing within one (1) week the minutes of said meetings. The Secretary shall have the additional duty of distributing a copy of the Constitution and By-laws at the introductory meeting. The Secretary shall also be in charge of the website and listserv maintenance and maintain the upkeep of the GSSA graduate office.